Bongo Journals
Who We Are

Bongo Journals

At Bongo Journals, we offer a diverse range of journals—including guided, bullet, plain, and kiddie journals—each designed to support your journey towards a focused, productive, and mentally stable life.

Our mission is to help you cultivate the right habits and establish effective systems for success, making intentional living a lifestyle. We believe in starting at any stage of life, and our kiddie journals hold a special place in our hearts, aiming to instill these valuable strategies in children from an early age.

Join us in creating a world where every stage of life embraces purposeful living and growth.


Victoria Musyoki

I am glad that through my life experiences I got to figure out my why and this is to help families raise a generation of kids who are self -aware, who can Express themselves confidently, who are vulnerable, loving and open-minded. This can only be achieved through having an open, loving, caring and transparent relationship with their parents.

Through Kiddie World and Bongo journal we aim to create safe spaces for kids to bond with Their parents as they are having fun.


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